Sunday, April 29, 2012

Disgrace by Nike employee

There has been a lot of controversy and discussion since the reigning MVP Derrick Rose went down with an injury yesterday. The controversy stems from a Nike employee tweeting about Rose and saying how it was a good thing he signed with Adidas rather than Nike. He did it in a very rude way and was basically mocking Rose right after he suffered a horrific injury that could really hurt his career in the future. The tweet was immature and unacceptable especially coming from a Nike employe. It would be one thing if it was just a fan tweeting that because they are not held to the same standard as employees working for major corporations such as Nike and Adidas. This employee should absolutely be fired so a message is sent to all co workers that actions like this will not be tolerated.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Facebook is Taking Over the World

In the past couple Facebook once again made worldwide headlines by buying another application called Instagram for 1 Billion dollars. This is just another cool application that Facebook can now call their own. Facebook has already added applications that are connected to Yahoo!, The Social Reader, and Walmart just to name a few. They also add games such as Farmland, Graffiti, and hundreds of others. With the power and value Facebook already has they have the ability to purchase pretty much any application for the right price. They just dropped a billion dollars like it was pocket change and the purchase was not even questioned. What is even scarier than the power Facebook possesses is the mindset companies such as Instagram have. It seems like everyone is trying to create new applications and games just so they can sell it to Facebook for a ridiculous price. If this continues which seems definite as of right now who knows how much property Facebook will own in 5 or 10 years. Before we know it Facebook will have bought out every humans social security number from the government for 100 billion dollars.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Instant Fame Social Media can Bring

Today, with all the social media networks that play videos who anyone can create and post such as YouTube, Barstool, Tumblr, etc you see more everyday people gain fame than ever before. Everyone has seen videos such as "Charlie bit my finger" and "David after Dentist". With the connivence and accessibility for people to make their own videos and put them online where millions of people can watch them it gives everyone an opportunity to gain some sort of fame. You have even seen some people from funny or crazy YouTube videos end up in commercials, get an appearance in a show, and many more opportunities. For the first time in the history of the world you don't have to be an athlete, actor, musician, politician, etc. to be recognized by people all over you can simply make a video and post it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Yankees Struggles to Start

In the opening weekend for baseball it was a terrible time for Yankee fans having their team start the season 0-3. It was started with a blown save by the best closer of all time Mariano Rivera and capped off with the Yankees unable to score one run on sunday afternoon. The start is definitely concerning and should not be taken lightly, but the influence of social media and sports news has some fans believing the season is already lost. One of the negative effects of social media is their ability to make stories much bigger than they need to be. Yes the Yankees have gotten off to a bad start but their are another 159 games and for people to already be saying that the Yankees have no chance at the playoffs is absolutely ridiculous. That is the one demerit that I have against sports coverage because the media has the ability to start freaking people out for no reason.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is there any privacy left in facebook?

In the recent weeks there has been a lot of talk about businesses trying to gain private information about employees or people interviewing for a job from Facebook. Some of the information businesses are asking for is the person's username and password. This is completely illegal and not only would businesses be able to see all of your private information, but they would also have the ability to change things on your facebook if they possess the correct username and password. Things like this really make me question the future of our country. If corporations somehow get this to be legal what is that saying about privacy in America? If businesses can change your personal information or talk to a friend of yours what will be the next type of privacy invasion to come? I think corporations' obsession with trying to find every picture, status, and comment of the person they are interviewing is ridiculous. If a person is qualified for a job and can do his role effectively it should not matter if he made a questionable remark on facebook six years ago.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Twitter and its Place in Professional Sports

Ever since Twitter became a huge social media networks you have seem the controversy between professional athletes and what they "tweet". The NFL was the first league to take action against twitter making a rule that players or coaches were forbid from tweeting during games as well as a certain amount of time before and after the game. Now that I can understand considering that teams want their athletes completely focused when it came to playing in games, but recently some professional sports have gone way overboard with their penalties regarding. Just about a week ago Knicks player J.R. Smith was fined $35,000 for posting what was considered an inappropriate picture of his girlfriend to twitter along with a funny caption to go along with it. While the post might have been stupid and immature of Smith, his twitter belongs to himself and himself only. The NBA needs to stay out of the players personal business regarding twitter as long as it is not violating any rules already made. Major league sports corporations need to keep a positive image of the athletes representing their league, but athletes' social media is for their own personal use and it is up to them to make wise decisions.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Power of Social Media

With the recent explosion of social media throughout the world, it has become a crucial tool in multiple uprisings of people living in countries with unfair dictatorship. Facebook and twitter have already been accredited as a key part of the overthrowing of corrupt governments in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. Now within the last week the whole Kony campaign has spread in unbelievable speed throughout the country mostly due to Facebook, twitter, and Youtube. It is pretty crazy that in a span of just a few years social media networks have gained enough power to do something as important as help overthrow governments. With the impact social media has already made on the earth who knows how much more it expends in just the next couple years. I believe social media will continue to grow in power and influence as well as expanding profits for the social media companies.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Social Media's Effect on the Future

The youth in our country are obviously loving Facebook as well as all the other social media available, but the question is will our actions taken when we are a teenager affect us down the road. There are always news stories about how someone either didn't get into a college or get a job because of content posted on Facebook. This content can range from inappropriate pictures to racist or tasteless status's. A football player who went to high school by me just recently lost multiple Division 1 scholarships for football due to some of the things he tweeted. I don't think anyone can argue that social media is not a fun and entertaining activity to participate in, but these days with every action made seeming to be public information if needed teenagers have to rethink about what they post before they do. I am not saying that I am above anyone who has a completely flawless Facebook. Although as I get older I realize how harmful social media can be to your future. I don' believe anyone can say that social media is a good or bad thing yet, we will have to wait a couple years to see if it is doing more harm than good.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Social Media and School work Don't Mix

If you were to ask every freshman at WNEU with a Facebook, twitter, or other type of social network if they check it while doing their homework I would guess that almost every kid would say yes. Social media affecting student's school work could definitely be looked at as a problem for our generation. You hear stories about adults being fired from their jobs due to checking their social media pages instead of doing their work. The same problem lies within students, for instance I constantly hear students talking about how they procrastinate with their work because they are too distracted with facebook, twitter, etc. I wonder if someone had an experiment with a group of students who were allowed to be on soicla media as long as they'd like and another group who could only be on for 30 minutes. If you let this experiment run for a couple weeks it would be very interesting to see what the results are. I'm not saying that social media is a bad thing because like 99% of teenagers I do own a facebook I just raise the question whether it is hurting our effectiveness in the classroom or not.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Effects Social Media has on Sports

Over the past decade Social Media has really evolved into the main source of information regarding news in sports. These days new stories in sports are reported within minutes of the events occurring due to how many people are constantly covering each sports team and player. For sports fans social media is great because they never go a minute without knowing what is going on with the sports world. Personally, I love that I am always being updated on what is going on with all my favorite teams. Even though sports fans love the effects social media has on the sports world, some athletes and coaches see the constant media as a negative. With the media always following players, there is little to no privacy time for them throughout the day and many athletes careers have been severely damaged due to the media such as Tiger Woods. So the question lies, what is more important to the sports social media companies, the satisfaction of the fans or the privacy of the athletes?