Thursday, April 19, 2012

Facebook is Taking Over the World

In the past couple Facebook once again made worldwide headlines by buying another application called Instagram for 1 Billion dollars. This is just another cool application that Facebook can now call their own. Facebook has already added applications that are connected to Yahoo!, The Social Reader, and Walmart just to name a few. They also add games such as Farmland, Graffiti, and hundreds of others. With the power and value Facebook already has they have the ability to purchase pretty much any application for the right price. They just dropped a billion dollars like it was pocket change and the purchase was not even questioned. What is even scarier than the power Facebook possesses is the mindset companies such as Instagram have. It seems like everyone is trying to create new applications and games just so they can sell it to Facebook for a ridiculous price. If this continues which seems definite as of right now who knows how much property Facebook will own in 5 or 10 years. Before we know it Facebook will have bought out every humans social security number from the government for 100 billion dollars.

1 comment:

  1. You have some interesting points I have not thought of before but it is true. They just want to keep their business grow and grow until they are one of the biggest in the world. So far, Facebook is on the pace to probably become one of the biggest in years to come.
