Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is there any privacy left in facebook?

In the recent weeks there has been a lot of talk about businesses trying to gain private information about employees or people interviewing for a job from Facebook. Some of the information businesses are asking for is the person's username and password. This is completely illegal and not only would businesses be able to see all of your private information, but they would also have the ability to change things on your facebook if they possess the correct username and password. Things like this really make me question the future of our country. If corporations somehow get this to be legal what is that saying about privacy in America? If businesses can change your personal information or talk to a friend of yours what will be the next type of privacy invasion to come? I think corporations' obsession with trying to find every picture, status, and comment of the person they are interviewing is ridiculous. If a person is qualified for a job and can do his role effectively it should not matter if he made a questionable remark on facebook six years ago.

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